As much as Nigerians
love Nollywood and their
movies, parents are
becoming steadily wary
of the prominence being
given to immorality
through X-rated films
lately. In this report,
Ruth Choji examines the
place of regulating and
censorship agencies in
sanitising the industry.
Having become the second largest film industry in the
world, most viewers are of the opinion that Nollywood
movies would have risen beyond a certain level of
immorality and barbarism that could be considered
averagely above board. They are daily descending into
immorality that is polluting the mind of young audience
who are the majority viewers.
Nigeria, nay Africa in general, value the issue of
morality because it is embedded in their socio-cultural
lives and this includes norms, values, taboos and
beliefs. Juliet Chinasa, an actress who spoke with Leadership Sunday on immorality in Nigerian movies,
stated that, “the world has changed and people are
more interested in explicit content. They want to see
beautiful women with beautiful bodies. Ours is still
better because we don’t make love in movies or parade
our nakedness. We just wear skimpy dresses and kiss
once in a while. This does not mean we are immoral.
After all, these things actually happen in secret, even
the children know most of the things they see. It is up to
parents to control what their children watch, ours is to
Another aspiring actor who spoke with Leadership
Sunday is Anita Daniel and she said, “yes I want to be a
star but I won’t expose my body to make it in
Nollywood. Those who do it are desperadoes. It is
against our beliefs and culture. In fact, my father will
kill me if he sees me parading naked in films. He
doesn’t even like Nigerian movies because of what he
sees on TV. I won’t give him reason to ban me from
Evangelist Peter Ali, who has produced two Christian
movies stated that, “immorality in movies was what
pushed me to the industry. I don’t like what I see in our
secular films and I feel this is one way I can propagate
the word of God. The youths need to know that you can
watch a movie and enjoy it without learning bad things.
The power of television has brought a lot of changes,
some for good and some for bad and it is worse in the
lives of the teenagers. I don’t like it when I see our
movie actors act nude or half naked, smoke weed and
also portray some funny behaviours; children watch
and pick these habits. A director does not have to use
such things to make his film sell. So, when you talk of
censorship, it must start with self; that is the director
himself must know what is right and wrong, what the
society expects from him and what he will like to see
his children watch and learn.
There must be a desire to do the right thing without
debasing or lowering the taste of the films. Movies to
me are supposed to be channels of promoting societal
values and norms. Most of these directors allow such
things because they want to sell their movies. But it is
not all about the money. If you notice, you will see that
young people now believe in getting rich quick or die
trying because that is what they see on TV. Another
problem is that the actors themselves love wearing
such clothes. On most sets, the producer and director
don’t have a say over what the actors wear because
theycdon’t have money to buy the kind of clothes they
would want them to wear and so, they overlook such
What I believe is that films are meant to educate,
socialise and play a therapeutic role in the lives of the
audience. Unfortunately, that is not the norm today as
most of our movies are based on sex, violence,
fetishism, occultism, voodoo, prostitution, sibling
rivalry, evils of polygamy, devilish spiritualism and
rituals or juju, black magic, sorcery, ritual murder,
witchcraft, obscenity, kidnapping and money worship. It
is wrong and the producers must stop it. They have the
final say because if they don’t produce movies, the
actor won’t become an actor. They should be the first
censors before the actual censors board can come to
Also speaking on the issue, a lecturer of mass
communication, Abdullahi Garba also stated, “I am also
worried over the content of our local movies.
What these actors don’t understand is that some
audiences hardly can differentiate the disparity
between “on-the-screen” character and “off-the screen”
character. Most times, they have the perception that the
nude display in movies is the natural behaviour of their
favourite actors. So, naturally, they want to emulate
them. People in Africa attach much importance to
dignity and respect in our culture but some local home
videos seem to be stereotypical of lack of dignity for
womanhood. For a good producer who is concerned
with the content of his movies, he must know whether
his movie has an educational or entertainment value,
apart from promoting Nigerian culture, unity or
interest, he or she must also ensure that the movie
does not undermine national security, reinforce
corruption, does not glorify violence and will not
promote African heritage to ridicule. That the movie will
not encourage illegal or criminal acts, religious and
ethnic discrimination, blasphemy or obscenity nor
indecent, or likely to be injurious to (public or private)
morality or be filled with nakedness, half nakedness or
other acts of nudity that appeal to sexual desire of
When movies like Domitilla, Glamour Girls, Room 027
where an actor grabbed the boobs of the actress and
the other actor was shown in scenes like making love to
an actress are few examples among many others. It
tells you that we are getting it wrong. Every producer
must take into account the cultural disposition of our
society before producing their movies. We must go back
to the beginning where movies were produced to teach
the society lessons, not to corrupt them. Parents must
also restrict TV time and watch the movies before
allowing their children to view it. Parents must also turn
off the TV in the night or select channels that their
children would watch even when they are not there.
A cross-section of Nigerians opined that although the
National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) and the
Broadcasting Organisation of Nigeria (BON) have been
mandated to issue out licenses, monitor, regulate and
conduct research in broadcasting in Nigeria, the rate at
which producers churn out X-rated movies that erode
our values and beliefs have made their work more
herculean. They are of the view that the National Film
and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) must rise to the
occasion and start enforcing laws while prosecuting
those caught in the act.
Pastor Timothy Goyit, a psychologist and pastor with
Living Light And Truth Assembly in Masaka, Nasarawa
State, contends that movies, whether Nigerian or
foreign, that contain excessive amount of violence
watched by children, can make them have less
empathy; they will also want to use aggression to solve
their problems than dialogue. Such people become less
sensitive to the pain and suffering of others and may be
harmful towards others. They are also more likely to hit
people who annoy them, argue, disobey rules and
leave tasks unfinished. But Jesus said in the book of
Matthew 15:10, ‘it is not what enters into the mouth that
defiles the man but what proceeds out of the mouth.’
On the case of nudity in movies, God himself made
clothes for Adam and Eve so that they could be covered
in (Gen. 3:21). So, why should we allow our actors and
actresses to be exposing themselves on TV? Christians
must reject public displays of nudity on television. The
eye is the light of the body; so then if your eye is clear,
your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye
watches bad things, your whole body will be affected
(Matt. 6:22-23). St Paul warns us that “Do not be
deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals’” (1 Cor.
15:33). When we watch nudity on TV, we expose
ourselves to things that can make us sin.”
Mallam Abdulazia Yahaya, a Muslim cleric, also stated
that, “television viewing is sinful in Islam, it is believed
that there is no film that does not have music in it and
Islam forbids listening to music. It is Kabirah (great) sin.
The female voice in Islam, is Satar, it is to be concealed
and men are not supposed to hear it. The Qur’an also
states that, ‘and among mankind are those who
purchase idle tales so as to lead astray (others) from
the Path of Allah. And, they make a mockery of the
Laws of Allah.’ Islam also forbids listening and watching
fiction that will not let people live in reality to gain
Allah’s Pleasure by fixing the gaze on the hereafter and
not on the TV screen. Islam demands the concealment
of the female body. The Messenger of Allah (SAW)
further said that, ‘woman is an object of concealment,
not an object of immorality and immodesty, we all
know that movies show immodesty and immorality in
them and The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:
“Shamelessness (immodesty) is vice, and vice will be in
the fire”. Source: The Leadership Newspaper
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