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Thursday, 26 November 2015

Zambian youth shines at 2015 JCI World congress

By Winston Muleba II 
A worldwide community, Junior Chamber International (JCI) of young active citizens who are changing the world, one community at a time officially awarded the “Ten Outstanding Young Person Honorees for 2015 at a colorful JCI TOYP Awards ceremony in Kanazawa, Japan. 

And a young Zambian computer guru, Chisenga Muyoya received her Honoree official recognition at the awards night making her the first person from Zambia to have received this honour. 

JCI's mission is to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. Out of 200 nominations from all the over the world, Chisenga made it to the top 20. 

And through the overwhelming support and votes she received from family, friends and fans, Chisenga made it to the top 10, a decision made by JCI panel of judges. 

Chisenga popularly known as “Chichi" is a Zambian young leader, so outstanding such that her dedication to women empowerment is so intense that just after receiving a Bachelor’s of Science in Computing and a Master’s of Science in Information System Management, Chisenga developed a deep passion for social change and began to question issues surrounding the low participation of women in technology. 

Just recently, she was awarded a Chevening Scholarship to study for another Masters of Science in Practising Sustainable Development specialising in ICT4D at Royal Holloway, University of London. 

Being a proactive leader with a deep passion for social change, Chisenga co-founded Asikana Network, a social enterprise that increases the participation of women and girls in technology. 

Asikana Network holds free training sessions in marketable skills like mobile apps and web development and video editing using innovative and experimental teaching methods. 
About the Author 
Winston Muleba II is an Aquaculture specialist, Researcher and Writer who uses media and ICT to promote science, technology and innovation. He gravitate towards youth affairs, business, environment, water, aquaculture and agriculture as he is skilled at juxtaposing the latest research and expert opinion with the everyday lives and struggles of people on the ground. Email:

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