It was an image that spoke volumes: On the fringes of last
August’s U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, President Barack
Obama welcomed heads of state to dinner at the White
House. Most of the dignitaries brought their wives. Paul
Kagame didn’t.
The Rwandan president arrived with Ange Kagame, his only
daughter, a now 21-year-old budding philanthropist who, in
many ways, represents the next generation of promising
African leaders — a generation that stands ready to shape a
continent ripe with opportunity despite its long history of
poverty, conflicts and other development challenges.
True to the summit’s theme, Kagame plans to invest in the
future through her passion in education, women
empowerment and health.
Devex spoke with the political science major about her
vision for Africa’s future and ways to get more of her peers
engaged in international development.
What skills do young people need to be the most
effective leaders?
I think education is most important. We have to get to a
place where education is not just a privilege for some but a
right for everyone.
The right to education has the potential to serve as an
equalizer of opportunities globally, allowing every young
person, wherever they may live, to develop their skills,
contribute to building their countries as well as participate
on the global stage.
Is there room for young people to express their
opinions even when it goes against the mainstream or
may be disruptive?
Definitely there is. We live in a social media-driven world.
With a large number of us with access to Twitter, Facebook
and different social media outlets, the news and what is
going on in the world is that much closer to us.
Social media has also given people, especially the youth, a
sounding board to express their views. Social media,
however, goes beyond just allowing the youth to express
their opinions. It allows for everyone, irrespective of age,
geographical location or socio-economic status, to
participate in the debate as well as the actions taken on the
issues that matter most to them.
What unique role do young
people play in shaping
I think Africa’s case is a
particularly interesting one. In
Rwanda, over 70 percent of
the country’s population is
comprised of the youth. On a
larger scale, Africa is the
continent with the largest
youngest population in the
world, with over 200 million
between the ages of 15 and
24. This is both a challenge
but even more so, it is an
opportunity: This means a
bigger and more vibrant
workforce, which of course
translates into a huge
economic advantage. Despite
obstacles such as
unemployment, Africa’s young
population continues to show
the potential for innovative
young entrepreneurs across
the continent to drive the
economic transformation.
Most importantly, this
opportunity comes with a
great deal of responsibility
and in some sense an
obligation, as well. The youth
should own the development
process of their respective
countries and feel very much
a part of it.
What is your vision for Rwanda’s development and the
development of Africa? Do you think this is different
from that of your parents’ generation and from other
Rwandans your age?
My vision for Rwanda and my vision for Africa are
intertwined. I hope that in this generation’s lifetime, we can
live to see a self-reliant and stable Africa. That we can start
to be defined more by our successes rather than the
negative images that have become synonymous with Africa
(poverty, war, disease et cetera). I hope that we can continue
to work towards a more industrialized and developed
continent and hopefully start to see middle-income
countries become the majority. This transformation was
possible with Southeast Asian countries that not too long ago
were considered “Third World.” I believe the same can
happen on our continent as well.
Our parents’ generation and our generation grew up under
different circumstances. Our parents were born during
difficult times and forced into exile at a very young age. They
had to fight for their country and identity.
In a way, the work has been made easier for us. We belong
somewhere, we have a place to call home, we have an
identity, all from the sacrifices our parents’ generation had
to make. The foundation is there, we just have to make the
best of it.
What’s the most challenging part in carving out your
own views on development from your parents’? Is there
a disconnect between the older and younger
generations’ visions for the future?
The case of Rwanda has proven that progress is not about
the young versus the old. Instead, it is about leveraging the
strengths both have to offer.
Rwanda’s transformation in the past two decades is a result
of a country with young people who refused to accept the
status quo, demanded more for and from itself. But this
progress was also the result of learning from the older
generation and building on our historical practices to come
up with solutions most relevant to our context.
It is only through a combination of the young and the old,
the traditional and the modern, that we can deliver the kind
of future the next generation deserves.
What is one thing you would tell young people your age to inspire them to reach their potential?
I live by the mantra, “Never touch anything with half of your heart.” You do not have to be great at everything, but find what it is you are passionate about, what it is you love, what keeps you up at night and do that. Do that to the best of your ability. Strive to be the best at it. Stop at nothing. Give it everything!
About the author
Rolf Rosenkranz oversees a talented team of in-house
journalists, correspondents and guest contributors located
around the globe. Since joining Devex in early 2008, Rolf has
been instrumental in growing its fledgling news operation
into the leading online source for global development news
and analysis. Previously, Rolf was managing editor at Inside
Health Policy, a subscription-based news service in
Washington. He has reported from Africa for the
Johannesburg-based Star and its publisher, Independent
News & Media, as well as the Westdeutsche Allgemeine
Zeitung, a German daily
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