An innovative Kenyan
youth is pioneering an
automated technology
targeting farmers with
limited space in the
production of fish, poultry
and plants in an effort that
is also doubling house hold
incomes as well as
fostering nutritional levels
among families through
balanced diet feeding.
The technology dubbed aqua-poultry, is a classic example of how farmers
can benefit from the symbiotic relationship of both the plants and animals.
It also allows farmers with limited space to tap into the benefits of fish
farming as well as poultry.
The brain behind the initiative Robert Mwakio borrowed the technology
from America where he was studying. Although the concept quite new in
Kenya, it is in use in some of the developed countries. We had students
who were doing research regarding the technology in their Masters
projects. What Mwakio emphasized on was Africanizing the technology
from America to fit within the budgets of smallholder farmers in Kenya
and Africa in general given the wide economic and technological gap
between Kenya and America. If I was to use the original technology and
materials, then the cost of this project would be in millions of Kenya
shillings but as it stands currently, the cost is between Sh20000 to250,000
depending on the size and local prices of materials.
The technology is hinged on two concepts; symbiotic relationship between
the plants and the animals as well as the maximization of less space for
more output. Mwakio who has reinvented both the design and construction
noted that he emphasizes on usage of locally available materials in the
construction and adoption of the technique. “We must realize that we can
only cause massive positive change in the livelihoods of many local
people through simplifying and utilization of what is readily available and
affordable.” Some of the local materials in used in the construction of the
structure include the used oil tanks, timber, wire mesh, gravels, pipes,
small pumps among others.
An average structure housing the whole technology measures about 40
square feet. The structure is made with three layers. The tanks are cut into
halves. The lower layer is where the tanks with fish are placed. These are
the tanks that house the fish for their entire growth period. The second
layer of the tanks placed above the fish tanks is where the plants are
These tanks have gravels that hold the plants’ roots. “The Fish tank is
filled with water and connected with pipes to a pump. The vegetable tank
likewise is filled with porous gravel or rocks that will act as a filtration
system, added Mwakio. On the upper layer of the structure is where the
poultry are kept. The upper floor is made in a way that the droppings of
the chicken find their way into the plant tanks. In some cases rabbits are
also placed on the upper floor of the structure as Mwakio noted their
higher nutritional value of their droppings.
Aquaponicpoultry culture creates a symbiotic relationship between fish,
chicken and plants. Although chicken are easy to maintain caution must be
taken when dealing with specific chicken breeds such as layers or broilers
much emphasis must be put on the living conditions. “Domestic chicken
breeds are easy to maintain since they rely of domestic food waste. The
fish moreover will survive on the chicken droppings which are rich in
proteins carbohydrates and other minerals. The chicken will eat some of
the plants grown and they provide the fertilizer for the plants. The fish
will provide ammonia fertilizer to the plant as the excrete ammonia rich
waste,” noted Mwakio.
The fish and plants keep feeding each other through the pumping of water.
When the pump is switched on, the water from the fish tank moves to the
plant tanks that have gravels. At this time, the process of bio-filtration
takes place where the nitrogen waste from the fish is taken to the plants
and in turn the plants cleanses this water which is taken back to the fish.
The pumping process takes about 30 minutes and Mwakio advises that this
should be done four times per day. It’s important to also note that the
chicken and rabbit droppings from the upper layer that drops into the
second layer of the plant tanks dissolves into the water during the
pumping process and taken to the lower tank ultimately the fish utilizing
it. Makio also advised that for best results the whole structure should be
enclosed in a greenhouse prototype to regulate gaseous exchange. “The
plants produce Oxygen which is much needed by the fish and chicken and
in turn these animals produce carbon dioxide that is very needed by the
plants. The result of such symbiotic relationship is healthy animals and
plants. For instance the Kales grown under this system are very leafy
owing to maximum nutrient utilization in the structure,” explained
A 40 square feet structure can hold about 10 fish tanks, 8 plant tanks and
over 200 chickens. Each tank has a capacity of about 150 tilapia fish.
whole technique is under scientific design and Makio noted that the
moment the movements of the fish start being limited in the fish tank then
is an indicator that they are ready for harvesting which is done in about 4
months time. In addition, there are reduced mortality rates for the fish
because there are no predators as well as the incidences of water
impurities and change of PH which is always common among farmers
doing conventional pond fish farming. The average market price for
Tilapia fish is about Sh250 and therefore with over 1500 fish after four
months, a farmer who has adopted this technology is able to pocket over
Sh350,000. This is besides the proceeds from the vegetables and the
chicken in the same structure.
According to Mwakio, the technology supports significant reduction in the
usage of water compared to traditional soil methods of growing plants as
all water is recycled through the system and it is not necessary to discard
or change any water under normal conditions. This is equivalent to water
usage of 2-3 liters of water a day. In addition, the growth of plants is
significantly faster than traditional methods using soil. “In this system the
plant roots are watered flooded at least once an hour in most system and
have constant access to high levels of nitrates that are in the water,” added
Currently, Mwakio has constructed over five structures that are up and
running. One of the structures was set up at Rabuor orphanage in Kisumu
which is already a success. Others have been set up in Kissii and Kiserian.
The success and economic returns from this noble technology is already
sending exciting ripples from farmers who want to own the structures. “I
was doing this as part time activity in helping farmers increase on their
livelihoods but the success that has been registered by those that have
already benefitted from the project has sent me countless referrals. I
receive over 30 inquiries daily with many farmers requiring my services,”
noted Mwakio. To him, this evidence that people are in search of solutions
to wade them out of the murky waters of poverty and that is why they are
ready to adopt this technology that is quite new.Farm Biz Africa
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