Education is a human right. And, like other human rights, it cannot be taken for granted. Across the world, 59 million children and 65 million adolescents are out of school. More than 120 million children do not complete primary education.
Behind these figures there are children and youth being denied not only a right, but opportunities: a fair chance to get a decent job, to escape poverty, to support their families, and to develop their communities. This year, decision-makers will set the priorities for global development for the next 15 years. They should make sure to place education high on the list.
The deadline for the Millennium Development Goals is fast approaching. We have a responsibility to make sure
we fulfill the promise we made at the beginning of the millennium: to ensure that boys and girls everywhere complete a full course of primary schooling.
The challenge is daunting. Many of those who remain
out of school are the hardest to reach, as they live in
countries that are held back by conflict, disaster, and
epidemics. And the last push is unlikely to be
accompanied by the double-digit economic growth in
some developing economies that makes it easier to
expand opportunities.
Nevertheless, we can succeed. Over the last 15 years,
governments and their partners have shown that
political will and concerted efforts can deliver
tremendous results – including halving the number of
children and adolescents who are out of school.
Moreover, most countries are closing in on gender
parity at the primary level. Now is the time to redouble
our efforts to finish what we started.
But we must not stop with primary education. In today’s
knowledge-driven economies, access to quality
education and the chances for development are two
sides of the same coin. That is why we must also set
targets for secondary education, while improving
quality and learning outcomes at all levels. That is what
the Sustainable Development Goal on education, which
world leaders will adopt this year, aims to do.
Addressing the fact that an estimated 250 million
children worldwide are not learning the basic skills they
need to enter the labor market is more than a moral
obligation. It amounts to an investment in sustainable
growth and prosperity. For both countries and
individuals, there is a direct and indisputable link
between access to quality education and economic and
social development.
Likewise, ensuring that girls are not kept at home when
they reach puberty, but are allowed to complete
education on the same footing as their male
counterparts, is not just altruism; it is sound
economics. Communities and countries that succeed in
achieving gender parity in education will reap
substantial benefits relating to health, equality, and job
All countries, regardless of their national wealth, stand
to gain from more and better education.
According to a
recent OECD report, providing every child with access to
education and the skills needed to participate fully in
society would boost GDP by an average 28% per year in
lower-income countries and 16% per year in high-
income countries for the next 80 years.
Today’s students need “twenty-first-century skills,” like
critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and digital
literacy. Learners of all ages need to become familiar
with new technologies and cope with rapidly changing
According to the International Labour Organization, an
additional 280 million jobs will be needed by 2019. It is
vital for policymakers to ensure that the right
frameworks and incentives are established so that
those jobs can be created and filled. Robust education
systems – underpinned by qualified, professionally
trained, motivated, and well-supported teachers – will
be the cornerstone of this effort.
Governments should work with parent and teacher
associations, as well as the private sector and civil-
society organizations, to find the best and most
constructive ways to improve the quality of education.
Innovation has to be harnessed, and new partnerships
must be forged.
Of course, this will cost money. According to UNESCO,
in order to meet our basic education targets by 2030,
we must close an external annual financing gap of
about $22 billion. But we have the resources necessary
to deliver. What is lacking is the political will to make
the needed investments.
This is the challenge that inspired Norway to invite
world leaders to Oslo for a Summit on Education for
Development, where we can develop strategies for
mobilizing political support for increasing financing for
education. For the first time in history, we are in the
unique position to provide education opportunities for
all, if only we pull together. We cannot miss this critical
To be sure, the responsibility for providing citizens with
a quality education rests, first and foremost, with
national governments. Aid cannot replace domestic-
resource mobilization. But donor countries also have
an important role to play, especially in supporting least-
developed countries. We must reverse the recent
downward trend in development assistance for
education, and leverage our assistance to attract
investments from various other sources. For our part,
we are in the process of doubling Norway’s financial
contribution to education for development in the
period 2013-2017.
Together, we need to intensify efforts to bring the
poorest and hardest to reach children into the
education system. Education is a right for everyone. It is
a right for girls, just as it is for boys. It is a right for
disabled children, just as it is for everyone else. It is a
right for the 37 million out-of-school children and youth
in countries affected by crises and conflicts. Education
is a right regardless of where you are born and where
you grow up. It is time to ensure that the right is
This article was published World Economic Forum in collaboration with Project
Syndicate. Publication does not imply endorsement of
views by WM Media Pty. Ltd
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