Do you have ideas or views that can create value and provide for a stable,
united and prosperous Zambia?
Are you willing to share them with the rest of Zambia?
Zambia National Commercial Bank Plc (Zanaco) in partnership with the
Zambia@50 Secretariat invites you to participate in the national essay
writing competition and get your ideas recognised and celebrated on the
national platform. The essays should be on the following themes:
1. How every Zambian can contribute to a brighter future.
2. My personal vision and effort towards a better Zambia.
3. My dream: What Zambia will be like in 2064.
4. My Zambia today and tomorrow.
5. Why we should thank the freedom fighters.
6. The importance of Unity, Love. Tolerance. Co-existence.
Reconciliation for the future of Zambia.
The winner will be announced In the public media and will receive:
1. A cash prize of K5,000.0O (Five thousand).
2. A unique certificate signed by the President of the Republic of
3. Official invitations to all celebratory state functions In their town
or locality.
P4. The right to identify him or herself as the Zambia 50th
Anniversary Essay writer.
1. Open to all Zambians of all ages living in and outside Zambia.
2. Only one entry per participant.
3. Joint entries shall not be permitted.
4. Each essay should have 700-1500 words.
5. Entry can be made in any Zambian language.
6. All works should be original and bona fide work of the
By entering the competitions contestants agree to indemnify the
Zambia@50 Secretariat from and against all claims, suits, and damages
based on any claim of copyright infringement or plagiarism or
unauthorized use. All entries shall be considered property of the
Zambia@50 Secretariat reserving the right of publication of the same in
any book, newspaper, website or ¡n any other manner as ¡t may deem
appropriate without providing any loyalty or compensation.
The entry should not have been submitted to any other competition, or for
publication whatsoever.
No registration fee for the competition.
How to enter
1) The entry must include: name, age, postal address, phone number and
where possible e-mail address of entrant. This information should be at
the top of the first page.
2) Entries may be sent by:
E-mail to:
Post to: P.O. Box 30208, Lusaka or
Hand deliver to: Zambia@50 Secretariat, Government Complex, 1 st
Floor West Wing (Conference Centre Hall, entrance facing State
Insurance Building) or any nearest Zanaco Branch,
Hand deliver to:
Note: All envelopes should be clearly marked, Zambia@50 Essay
Deadline for entries: 30th June 2014.
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