Former ZANASU Vice President Prince Ndoyi has expressed
disappointment with the state of affairs in the nation.
Mr Ndoyi explained that youths in the country are
disappointed with the turn of events as regards a number of
challenges in the country including the nation’s economy,
the civil society, the Church and the state of the media
among other challenges in the country.
He said as young people they lament the lack of economic
opportunities, soaring prices of commodities and the
growing gap between the rich and the poor.
“As young people we want to add our voice on the state of
affairs in the nation today. We express our utmost
disappointment with the turn of events in our country as
regards the economy, the state of the civil society in general
especially the youth NGOs , the church, the media and the
political landscape as regards our democracy.
“As young people we want to lament on our ailing economy,
the soaring prices of commodities continue to hurt us in the
compounds, fuel and electricity increments will paralyse
production. More and more people will fail to eat a cheap
but balanced diet, three quarters of the population are living
way off below the food basket threshold per household.
With poor nutrition will come with it more illnesses and
diseases and subsequently deaths and a sky rocketing infant
mortality. But we will not pretend that these increases will
not irk a hike in health care prices disadvantaging the poor
even worse to die like animals,” he said.
He said youths have no one to look up to as those in
positions of power and influence only know how to use
young people to achieve their own ends and later dump
He said youth unemployment is a ticking time bomb that
should be properly handled by those in office.
“As youths we don’t have anyone to look up to because
those in positions of power and influence only know how to
use young people to pursue their interests and discard us.
So many young people have been used as cadres and others
have been used to write business proposals on behalf of
those who have access to finance later dumping them.
“Ask yourselves who supplies simple things in govt like
paper and pens, and we are everywhere singing youth
empowerment choruses. Youth unemployment is a time
bomb and will definitely bottle over into a brutal revolution
we have never seen before, subserviently if not handled
properly. In the forthcoming budget we expect youth
empowerment to be amongst the top priority sectors to
stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation,” he said.
He accused the Civil Society of watching from a distance
while a number of challenges go without a call for action.
“The country is quite, the church, civil societies like NGOCC &
OASIS FORUM are watching from a distance. Today everyone
is playing politics, we have lost genuine causes on issues
that affect us directly like clean and safe drinking water,
decent and habitable housing, subsidised nutritional and
dietary supplements, free and accessible Anti Retroviral
Therapy drugs, etc.
“Today Zambians can’t start a fight for anything and see it to
its logical end, workers unions are bruised and the worker
has no where to run to. Today’s politics and checks and
balances have been left to Antonio Mwanza, Raphael
Nakacinda and Peter Sinkamba the remaining lot are either
sorry or compromised,” he said.
He complained that corruption has become a norm in a
country with so much resources but it’s people living in
abject poverty.
“What is happening to rumors of some Minister’s illegally
exporting Uranium to China? What has happened to the
sinking fund, how much have we saved and which account is
it in, what measures are there to safeguard it against abuse?
What happened to the rehabilitation of the falling and
cracking Kariba dam wall which threatens to tsunami our
“In the name of common decency, humanity and common
sense, surely the poor families should be shown some
compassion and let their livelihood depend not only on laws
and rights lost in the referendum but simply on morality and
decency. We dread to think how much all this will cost the
poor families.
“What have the generous public charity donations and the
tax payers done for Government to be so blatantly uncaring,
stubborn and unbending . We beg can someone have the
courage to stand for democracy and humanity and make the
right decisions. People no longer stand up for what is right
in this country, national issues have been reduced to how
much do you have and what is your personal interest. The
NGOs, Church, media and politicians lack the temperament
to be relevant in today’s unique challenges,” he said.
He added “On the economy and democracy our position is
that our country is economically moribund, persists with
policies that have demonstrably failed, we strongly believe
that increasing democratic resistance is an indication of its
vulnerability, our systems are increasingly becoming
indifferent to democracy, is run by and for a small, self-
perpetuating elite, and is slowing dying. We have surely
made the wrong comparisons here. This is not the US
without the electric chair; it is the USSR without the gulag.”
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